Sunday 7 June 2009


We're playing in Durham on Friday.

Monday 1 June 2009

New Songs! (Kinda)

The beta version of the new Bombed Out website is up here

It looks bloody lovely! And also has two unreleased Dauntless Elite songs on there "Geneva, Liberty and Online Cashbooks" and "Post-Modernist Take On Getting Fucked Up"

These are basically two songs that didn't make it onto Graft. You can probably tell why!

We're still working on new stuff right now, we have around 10 new songs, 7 of which need lyrics, but one or two of them will be getting an airing when we play next.

We currently have these gigs line up.

Friday 12th June - Durham, End of Term Roc-Soc party
Friday 10th July - Wakefield, Beef-Stock w/ Leatherface, Former Cell Mate, Above Them

email us for gigs!